Ongoing Courses

Single-Cell Data Analysis Roundtable
for Charité MD / MD/PhD / PhD students and postdocs
Next occurence: 15.4.24/22.4.24/6.5.24/13.5.24/27.5.24, Monday from 15:30-17:00 on MS Teams
This focused support and discussion group is intended for any researcher analysing a single-cell omics data set (scRNAseq, scATACseq, scVDJseq, CITEseq etc.) and facing challenges, roadblocks or uncertainties during the process. It is specifically intended for those without a formal background in computational biology who are analysing single cell data with the help of online tutorials, possibly for the first time, and want to touch base on their analysis choices. In a small group setting (5 participants), each participant will get the chance to have their project discussed in depth twice over the course of five weeks. Participants are required to plan such that they will be actively working on their data analysis during the timespan covered by the course, so that they can implement new ideas. Participants will receive input from the instructor as well as suggestions from their peers.
Requirements: Participants need to have a single cell omics data set that has been processed to the count matrix stage (i.e. cell by gene matrix, not raw data such as FASTQ files) at the beginning of the workshop. Apart from this requirement, all analysis stages are welcome: from people wanting to take their first analysis steps and looking for the right software environment to people who want to review completed analysis pipelines.
Registration: If you want to register for the workshop, please send the following information to by March 31st:
(1) 2-4 sentence description of your research project
(2) description of your single cell dataset (which omics type, which experimental platform (e.g. 10x genomics), how many cells, other relevant information)
(3) description of the analysis framework you are using (e.g. Seurat, scanpy) and outline of the main steps included in your pipeline
(4) current challenges or motivation for joining the workshop.
Admitted students will receive the MS Teams link. Please see also the listing in the list of doctoral courses for information on awarded ECTS (Charité doctoral students only).
Journal Club: Data Analysis and Computational Methods in Immunology
for Charité M.Sc. / MD / MD/PhD / PhD students, postdocs and interested staff
ongoing throughout the year, biweekly on Thursdays at 2pm, Südring 2 (CVK) and on MS Teams
Participants present current publications covering computational methods and data analysis approaches in immunology and infectious diseases (e.g. omics data, flow cytometry data, clinical data). Papers with biomedical rather than computational focus can also be presented if they contain interesting data analysis concepts. Each participant presents a paper of their choice in a presentation of ~45 minutes which should also include relevant background and participants’ own evaluation of the work.
Requirements: None, anyone interested in the topic is welcome to join
Registration: Please send an email to and you will receive exact dates as well as an MS Teams link. Please see also the listing in the list of doctoral courses for information on awarded ECTS (Charité doctoral students only).